Unlock the power of Versat CRM for your business:

  • Sales Management

    Drive sales growth by setting goals aligned with customer buying potential.

  • Customer Segmentation

    Leverage targeted marketing campaigns tailored to different customer segments.

  • Customer timeline

    Get a complete customer overview and track their interactions seamlessly.

  • Integration with ERP and other systems

    Seamlessly integrate with your ERP and other systems for streamlined operations.

  • Offline Order Taking

    Take orders offline and sync them when you're back online.

  • Customer Location Tracking

    Effortlessly record and share customer locations with geolocation.

  • Share via WhatsApp

    Communicate efficiently by sharing orders and reports through WhatsApp.

  • Real-Time Recommendations

    Deliver real-time recommendations for personalized customer experiences.

Discover why Versat CRM will help boost your sales

Conquista a nuevos productores

Sabemos que el productor ya no quiere recibir visitas a todo rato, l oque hace más difícil el acercamiento a un nuevo cliente. Con Versat puedes generar demanda y conquistas nuevos productores agrícolas.

Cierra ventas en el campo

Cuenta con todo lo necesario para cerrar tu venta en el campo. Accede a las informaciones de disponibilidad de stock, crédito y descuentos. Saca pedidos desde su teléfono y envia al productor por Whatsapp.

Data-driven decision-making

Podrás acceder y generar informes en tiempo real que te permitirán analizar tus resultados, ajustar tu estrategia y tomar decisiones más acertadas. Ofrece al productor una asesoría profesional y con datos relevantes.

Garantiza las ventas recurrentes

La competencia esta cada vez más fuerte, hay que ofrecer benefícios para que el productor vuelva a comprar. Con Versat, podrás ofrecer cashback, puntos y descuentos a su cliente de manera automactica, sin la necesidade de aprobaciones.

Unleash the potential of Versat CRM with the Extreme Conversion Methodology.


Craft a targeted customer segmentation strategy and product portfolio.


Map customer data and set precise goals based on their buying potential.


Ensure customer success through real-time interaction and information sharing.


Analyze data, assess team performance, and unlock growth opportunities.


Continuously refine processes and strategies for peak performance and customer delight.

Discover our prices

We have different plans for your agribusiness. Choose a plan to help you get the most out of our CRM.

Unique Advantages of Our CRM Solution


Versat CRM is fully integrated with Versat ERP, providing you with a comprehensive view of your business management. If desired, we can integrate it with the ERP system of your choice.

Specialized Support

Our dedicated support team is available to assist you via email, phone, or live chat. We also provide resources to help you make the most out of our CRM solution.

Data Integrity

It is a top priority for us. Versat CRM implements backup policies to ensure the continuous protection of your data.

English, Spanish & Portuguese soport

By offering Versat CRM in Spanish and Portuguese, your sales team can fully leverage the solution, resulting in enhanced performance and productivity. Unlike other CRMs that are only available in English.

Check out our Versat CRM in action!

We've crafted an interface that's as sleek and smooth as a breeze, making it easy to navigate and use. Say goodbye to confusing and clunky software - our CRM is here to simplify your life.

Explore our integrations community.

We are listed in the Make store, which allows us to integrate with just a few clicks to thousands of amazing applications.
